Insights & Commentaries

In the NewsInsights & Commentaries

Trump Responds to Terrorism the Way Demagogues and Dictators Do

Op-Ed for The Washington Post,

Earlier this year, I warned that a terrorist attack under Trump would be “a demagogue’s dream and a uniquely dangerous moment for our democracy.” With this week’s atrocity in New York — the deadliest attack in the city since 9/11 — that moment is here.

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In the NewsInsights & Commentaries

Legacies of War Announces New Board Members

Terence Szuplat, a former Special Assistant to President Obama and Senior Director of Speechwriting at the National Security Council, has been named a Board Member of Legacies of War, which advocates for the removal of unexploded U.S. bombs from Laos.

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In the NewsInsights & Commentaries

Trump’s Tweets, Use of Rhetoric, Keep World on Edge

Comment for The Voice of America,

"It's unnerving to allies. It sends mixed signals to adversaries," added Terence Szuplat, who served as a foreign policy speech writer for former U.S. President Barack Obama, further describing President Trump's use of Twitter as "grossly irresponsible."

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In the NewsInsights & Commentaries

Letter from America: Donald Trump Does Not Define Us

Op-Ed for The Huffington Post,

Not unlike the monasteries of Ireland centuries ago protected classic texts from the chaos of their time, people across our country are working to safeguard our democracy today. So please don’t give up on us. America is bigger than any one person, even the president. And we’re still here.

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Insights & Commentaries

Video: Analysis of President Obama’s Speech in Montreal

Interview with CTV News,

In his speech in Montreal, President Obama never once mentioned Donald Trump. He didn't have to. His speech was "vintage Obama"--a call to reject a politics based on fear and bigotry and an affirmation of the institutions, norms and values at the heart of our diverse democracies.

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Insights & Commentaries

Video: Previewing President Obama’s Speech in Montreal

Interview with CTV News,

What Canadians can expect to hear from President Obama on his first visit to Canada since leaving the White House, and what it was like to be a White House speechwriter for Barack Obama...

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Insights & Commentaries

Video: Making Sense of Trump’s First Foreign Trip

Interview with CBC News,

Why the investigations into Trump and Russia won't go away, why $100 billion in weapons for Saudi Arabia won't address the Middle East's real problems, and what we can learn from 40 million Iranians...

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Insights & Commentaries

Audio: A Speechwriter’s Perspective on Trump’s First Foreign Trip

Interview with Minnesota Public Radio,

MPR News host Kerri Miller speaks with former Obama foreign policy speechwriter Terence Szuplat on Trump's first trip abroad, his "America First" foreign policy and the international fallout from controversy in the White House.

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Insights & Commentaries

Video: Why Trump’s Embrace of Dictators is Dangerous for the U.S.

Interview on Fox News,

"Real estate diplomacy" -- lavishing compliments on an opponent -- may have worked for Trump when negotiating in business, but heaping praise on tyrants risks aiding and abetting their oppression and is a tragic betrayal of American interests and values.

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Insights & Commentaries

What President Trump Will Say if Terrorists Strike in the U.S.

Op-Ed for The Washington Post,

Demagogues only succeed when their audiences surrender their agency over their own minds and hearts; when we allow the heated emotions of the moment to overwhelm the facts and enduring values we know to be true. We’ve been put on guard. Whether we succumb to Trump’s fear-mongering or rise above it is entirely up to us.

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