For Leaders & Citizens

Your Vision, Your Voice, Your Values

Terry Szuplat works with leaders and citizens in the United States and around the world to develop speeches, presentations, articles, and op-eds that inspire audiences, create headlines, and shape national and international debates.

“Over 20 years, I’ve written speeches for the President, senior officials in government, Members of Congress, and leaders in business and philanthropy. While the speaker, the subject, and the audiences may change, effective communicators all share one thing in common—they have a powerful story to tell. As a former White House speechwriter, I can help you tell yours.

Whether it’s a speech to an international summit or a company meeting, a political rally or a commencement address, great presentations challenge conventional wisdom and speak hard truths. They touch hearts and change minds. They empower audiences to think and act differently in their own lives and in the world. You have something to say. As your partner, I make sure that every speech advances your guiding vision in your unique voice.”


Let’s Work Together

Terry Szuplat is based in the Washington, D.C. area. You can reach him directly by email or by filling out the form below: