Insights & Commentaries

In the NewsInsights & Commentaries

A Conversation with Terence Szuplat

Interview with the Brand Story Podcast,

Terence Szuplat, former President Obama speechwriter and founder of Global Voices Communications, talks about the relationship between speechwriting and storytelling

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In the NewsInsights & CommentariesUncategorized

Biden Braces Americans for “Putin’s price hike”

Comment for Axios,

Terry Szuplat, a foreign policy speechwriter for former President Obama, said "It's important for the American people to understand who's responsible. Wars don’t start on their own. They’re started by people. This one was started by Vladimir Putin. He owns the death. He owns the destruction. And he owns the costs."

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In the NewsInsights & Commentaries

The Challenges of Writing a State of the Union Address

Comment for Politico's West Wing Playbook,

Szuplat, who helped Obama’s head speechwriters Cody Keenan and Jon Favreau on several addresses, argued that although the president has a long list of items to address [in the State of the Union] including inflation, energy prices, and the Covid-19 pandemic, his biggest challenge is to explain why Ukraine matters for America.

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In the NewsInsights & Commentaries

The Power of Values: An Interview With an Obama Foreign Policy Speechwriter

Interview with Global Risk Insights,

"An appreciation for the power of our example and our ideals as Americans was central to Obama’s presidency and it was central to his foreign policy," Szuplat said. "By virtue of his life and unique biography he had a real appreciation for the power of America’s story around the world."

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In the NewsInsights & Commentaries

What makes an effective inaugural address? Advice from an Obama speechwriter.

Interview with America Media,

“If one of the great questions for the American people right now is ‘How do we get through this profound loss, can there be better days?’—who better to point the way than someone who has lived through the darkest moments any person can face?" said Szuplat. "I think it’ll be a huge element of his inauguration and of his presidency…. He might end up being the most perfect leader for this moment because of his life experience.”

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In the NewsInsights & Commentaries

Response to President Trump’s Return to the White House with Covid


Please say a prayer for all the dedicated White House permanent staff — the butlers, the housekeepers, the janitors—being forced to work in a Covid hot zone. Their lives are being endangered so a weak, enfeebled man can pretend to be strong.

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In the NewsInsights & Commentaries

Why the West Wing Is a Perfect Place to Spread Covid

Interview with Washingtonian Magazine,

When many people picture working in the White House, they imagine the expansive suite of offices depicted in Aaron Sorkin’s The West Wing. Terence Szuplat, who was a speechwriter for the Obama administration, describes his time in the West Wing as like working “in a submarine.”

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In the NewsInsights & Commentaries

Why Having No Live Audience for This Week’s Democratic Convention May Be a Good Thing

Interview with Washingtonian Magazine,

“You can probably have a more intimate experience with the audience,” says Terence Szuplat, who runs Global Voices, a strategic communications and speechwriting firm. "I would hope it’s an opportunity for candidates to be much more accessible. Maybe that will be a good thing for our democracy."

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In the NewsInsights & Commentaries

VIDEO: Reflections on JFK’s 1963 address at The American University

Panel discussion with The American University Sine Institute of Policy & Politics,

Terence Szuplat, former Deputy Director of Speechwriting for President Barack Obama, joins panelists Andrew Cohen and William McGurn to discuss the meaning and legacy of President Kennedy's landmark 1963 speech at the American University.

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In the NewsInsights & Commentaries

More than 100 national security professionals break with tradition and endorse a presidential candidate — Biden

The Washington Post

More than 100 career national security professionals have signed an open letter of support for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, saying that President Trump “has created an existential danger to the United States.”

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